Fondly remembering Revd Rosemary Nja Egbe
Rosemary has attend The Autistic Adult Choir with her daughter Omeh for the past six years. Over the course of six years, she became an invaluable force in the group as well as a pillar of support and encouragement whenever anyone was struggling. Rosemary made anyone in the group feel welcome, no matter what their race, sexual orientation, or economic background. Her warmth covered us like a blanket of protection. She was always positive and had a smile on her face and offered a warm hug every time we met. She was like a mother to many in the choir. Whilst her spirit stays with us, she will always be remembered as one of the most loving, kind souls I have ever had the privilege of knowing. She was a gift, a force of positivity, an anchor. We will always love you Auntie Rose. – Jill Bradford, Choirmaster

Fondly remembering Wim Jenniskens, a founding member of this choir, who passed away in March 2020, shortly after his 59th birthday.
“Wim was a very gentle, kind and unassuming person, with a wealth of wide and deep knowledge about many subjects. I feel that he contributed to the world in many ways, which his modesty concealed. He was a lovely person, and I think of him with great fondness.” Brandon High